Carrot cake recipe | Best carrot cake | how to make

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About Carrot cake:-

Carrot cake which made of sliced carrot stire roasted with butter and honey , this cake is very easy to make with too many problem . This cake can be made without modern equipment , This is the best carrot cake recipe which i mades many times in a week.

In this blog we will make carrot cake 2 ways , with step by step process .

Main ingradients for making Carrot cake :-

For making this cake the ingradients we are using which is easily will be already available in our kitchen, Here is the some main ingradients which we are using for making carrot cake .

Flour:– We are using all purpose flour or all purpose cake flour ,and for gluten free cake you can take gluten free flour .

Baking powder:- Baking powder is a main ingradient for making any breads cookies , the main work of baking powder is rising .

Salt, cinnamon, and vanilla extract:- These ingradients inhence the taste of any dishes , vanilla essence is compulsary when we uses egg in cake , because vanilla essence absorb the smell of the egg.

Sugar:- Sugar makes the dishes sweet and keep the cake moistest, i am using regular white sugar but if you want you can use brown sugar also . sugar makes cakes moist and tasty.

Egg:- Egg create the texture in any baking dishes , in comparison of eggless cake , the egg cakes feels more tasty and amazing .

Carrot:- I am using sweet carrot for making carrot cake , i always graded the carrot when i am making carrot cake , graded carrot are easy in cooking and we can directly add graded carrot in cake batter but i am cooking the carrot after that i adds in cake batter. If you are cooking the carrot then increase the amount of carrot.

Dry fruit and nuts :- If you want more flavoures and taste in carrot cake the you can add raisins and nuts .


How to make carrot filling for cake :-

For making carrot filling first of all wash the carrot and peel the carrot , and with the help of grader grade the carrot , Now take a non stick pan put the butter and add graded carrot , now add sugar and stire fry the carrot , now add the honey and cinnemon powder and cook untill it becomes water decrease.

How to make cake batter:-

First beat egg white and egg yolk seperatly, Now add icing sugar little by little in egg white and make meringue , now add all purpose flour and mix well , now add beaten egg yolk in egg white batter and mix with spetula , now add milk and oil and just mix.

And for carrot cake you can add graded carrot or carrot filling in cake batter, i am using carrot filling because in is consist of honey and suger so it inhence the flavour of carrot cake .


For Carrot cake Filling

Graded Carrot:- 1 kg

sugar :- 200 gm

Honey:- 300 gm

Dry fruits:- As required

For cake Base:-

Egg white :-         3 Nos 

Egg yolk:-             3 Nos

Salt:-                      1 pinch 

Sugar:-                  100 gm 

Flour:-                    90 gm 

Oil:-                        30 gm 

Milk:-                     30 ml 

Vanilla essence:- 1Tsp

carrot filling :- As required or accoding to taste

Process of making :-


1:- First we will wash the carrot well .

2:-Now If you want you can peel the carrot , it is optional .

3:- Now grade the carrot well.

4:- Now take a pan keep on medium flame add butter , graded carrot and cover it until the water evaporates , add suger and honey and stir fry. If you want you can add dry fruits .


5:- For cake base we will take 2 bowl , in one add egg whites and in second egg yolks, and also beat seperately.

6:- Now add icing sugar little by little in egg white beat untill it turns into meringue , Now add flour little by little , and now add beated egg yolks and mix with spetula ..

7:- Now add milk and mix and at last add oil and just fold with spetula .

8:- Now add carrot cake filling in base batter and fold with spetula and pour the battar in desigred size mould and bake in preheated oven 175 degree celcius for 25 to 30 minutes , check with toothpick after 25 minutes .


9:- For frosting we are using whipping cream you can use butter cream also , when layering cake mix carrot cake filling in cream also and spread sugar syrup on cake base when layering cake .

10:- Now decorate the cake with fresh strawberry or with chocolate garnish .

11:- Keep in refrigator for least 30 minutes and serve ,

Some important point for making carrot cake

  • The carrot cake base can be stored for for 1 week in refrigrator
  • You can use both white sugar or brown sugar .
  • You can use graded carrot or carrot filling in making carrot cake base .

Is carrot cake healthier than regular cake?

yes carrot cake is heathier than regular cake but we cant eat this regular .

Is carrot cake good for diet?

yes carrot cake is good for diet , carrot cake is good source of protein, it is a good sweet dessrt for kids .

Why is carrot cake so high calorie?

In comparison of other fruit cake , carrot cake contains more saturated fat and when frosting with cheese cream then cheese contains higher fat, it means high calorie.

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