Mango shake
Drinks And Mocktails

Mango shake| How to make | Easy and tasty

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About mango shake :-

Mango the king of all the fruits , best fruit in the world , One that makes your mouth water just by looking at it .This is all seasoonal shake, In mango season you can get fresh mango shake but in off season it is made up with mango puree. In summer season manngo shake is very trending in street food or in restaurant. Mango shake feels refresh when the temperature is high.

This is made with the mango pulp, ice cubes , milk , and sugar . Every one makes there dishes in own style . In this blogs i will learn you how to make best mango shake with using home ingradients .

For making mango shake we will use a grinder and mango pulp , use sugar for makes it something sweet and ice cubes for making it chilled for garnishing can use flakes of coconut or chocolate burmicelli or chopped cherry.

Main ingradients for making Mango shake

Mango pulp:- This is the main ingradients in making any shake .

milk:- milk is used for making the shake thickness.

sugar:- Use of sugar inhence the sweetness of the shake .

ice cubes :- Ice cubes uses for the making shake extra chilled.

Some importance points for making mango shake

  • Use Alphonso mango for best mango shake .
  • Use fresh cream or whipping cream for makes shake thick.
  • Use honey for driping or garnishing on top.
  • Use colour ball for garnishing
  • Use full cream milk for making mango shake .
  • Use Slice mango for decoration on top

Recipe mango shake :-


Mango pulp: 100GM

Ice cube : 4

Ice cream: 2 SCOPE

Milk : 200ML

Honey: 25 ml

Sugar:- as required.

Process of making:-

1:-For making mango shake , take Alphonso mango and wash it well.

2:- Now peel the mango and remove the pulp and cut in small cubes.

3:-Now take a grinder mixer put the mango pulp,sugar , ice cube, ice cream , milk , honey and grind well.

4:- Now pour in glass , garnish with sliced mango , honey and slices dryfruits or with cherry.

5:- Serve chilled………..

What is mango shake made of?

mango shake is made of mango pulp, suger , ice cubes honey and garnished with dry fruits or with cherry.

Can I drink mango shake without sugar?

yes , you can drink mango shake without sugar, sugar is for taste and useful in weight gain.

Can I drink mango shake everyday ?

yes , but not prefer for drink daily .

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