Easy Roasted potato salad recipe:-

Hello guys, today we are going to make potato salad and to make potato salad, we are going to use a very simple recipe which is our traditional recipe and we have used this recipe ourselves. Its taste is quite amazing. Potato salad is a very quick simple and easy recipe, it can be made within 30 minutes . And in the potato salad that we are going to make, we can make it using everyday ingredients only. For this, many special ingredients will not be required.
So in today’s recipe, we will tell you how to make potato salad step by step and how to fry it. If you want to know how to make potato salad dressing then stay tuned to our blog and keep learning the recipe of potato salad.

Duration For Roasted Potato salad
Preparation time 15 minutes
cooking time:- 15 minutes
Chilling time:- 25 minutes
Total Timing :- less than 1 hours.
Main Ingredients for Roasted potato salad
Potato chunks :-
Baking soda:-
cheese dressing:-
Spring onion:-
mustard dressing :-
Potato chunks (peeled) :- 600 gm
Baking soda :- 1/2 tsp
Salt:- 1tsb
Oil:- 90 ml
Mayonnaise/Hung Curd:- 65 gm
Cheese spread:- 65 gm
Salt:- As taste
Kasoori methi powder:- A pinch
Chilli flakes:- 2 Tsp
Chopped Onion:- 20 gm
Chopped tomato:- 20 gm
Mustard oil:- 1 Tsp
Chopped spring onion:- 1 piece
chopped coriander:- 1 Tsp
Papri:- 8-10
Mustard dressing:- 1 tsp
Process of making:-
1:- To make Potato Salad, first take big sized potatoes, peel them thoroughly and then cut them into medium size chunks.Now keep the cut potatoes in cold water for at least 30 minutes to 3 to 4 hours.

2:- Now to boil the chopped potatoes, take a pan and add water and potatoes in the pan and boil it. Keep in mind that potatoes have to be boiled only till 90%. After the potatoes are boiled, filter the water immediately.While boiling potatoes, add baking soda and salt so that the potatoes will be very crispy when fried.

3:- Now to pan fry the potatoes, we will use a pan with a very big bottom. Now add oil in it, and keep on medium flame, now add the potatoes and first one side gets fried well, then flip it and fried the other side also. Keep in mind, fry very slowly.

4:- Now after the potatoes are fried, take them out of the pan and keep them in a vessel.

5:- Now we will make the dressing of potato salad, first of all we will take a bowl and add mayonnaise, cheese spread, salt, kasoori methi, chilli flakes, chopped onions, mustard oil and mix well.

6:- Now add chopped tomatoes , spring onions , chopped coriander , and crushed papri.and mix well.

7:- Now add fried potatoes and mix this dressing so that it coats potatoes properly.

8:- Now salad is ready so let’s start plating it.

9:- Let’s server.

1:- After peeling the potatoes that we will use to make potato salad, keep them in water for at least half to 3 hours.
2:- When potatoes are kept soaked in water for a long time, the potatoes will become more crispy.
3:- At the time of boiling potatoes, add both soda and salt. This will give more crispness.
4:- At the time of boiling potatoes, boil them only 80 to 90 percent.
5:- When the potatoes are boiled, do not leave them in water, strain them immediately.
6:- When baking potatoes in a pan, once one side is baked, turn it and bake the other side.
7:- Do not overmix the boiled potatoes after adding them to the salad dressing. Otherwise the potatoes will start breaking.
8:- At the time of boiling potatoes, put them in cold water and not in hot water.
9:- You can also roast potatoes by putting them in the oven.
Nutrition Information:- 250 gm of potato salad
Calories 358
Total Fat 21ggrams27%
Saturated Fat 3.6ggrams18%
Polyunsaturated Fat 9.3ggrams
Monounsaturated Fat 6.2ggrams
Cholesterol 170mgmilligrams57%
Sodium 1323mgmilligrams58%
Total Carbohydrates 28ggrams10%
Dietary Fiber 3.3ggrams12%
Protein 6.7ggrams
Vitamin D 0mcgmicrograms0%
Calcium 48mgmilligrams4%
Iron 1.6mgmilligrams9%
Potassium 635mgmilligrams14%
What are the ingredients in a good potato salad ?
Potato chunks (peeled) :- 600 gm
Baking soda :- 1/2 tsp
Salt:- 1tsb
Oil:- 90 ml
Mayonnaise/Hung Curd:- 65 gm
Cheese spread:- 65 gm
Salt:- As taste
Kasoori methi powder:- A pinch
Chilli flakes:- 2 Tsp
Chopped Onion:- 20 gm
Chopped tomato:- 20 gm
Mustard oil:- 1 Tsp
Chopped spring onion:- 1 piece
chopped coriander:- 1 Tsp
Papri:- 8-10
Mustard dressing:- 1 tsp
Is potato salad good for your diet?
yes because it is consist of good amount of vegetable.
Is potato salad junk food?