It is crispy from outside dipped with maple syrup , this is a amazing cake , it is flaten seems like fat chapati. This flat cake is make with milk , butter , sugar , flour , baking powder , baking soda , salt , maple syrup ,honey and butter. This cake is made both egg and eggless recipe, I have tried both pancakes seriously egg pancakes was amazing , but in this blog i am teach you the process of making best eggless pancake .I remember when i was working for a cafe , and sometimes i was making pancakes and we was using riped banna in pancake batter

When we searching recipe for pancakes there is a lot of recipe but in some few chefs tells shape does not matter , but i think shape mattter because first impression is last impression. so when you are making any dishes it should be seems amazing .
Making pancakes is not a big task , it is easy , only you should be needed to follow the correct process of making and you dont needed to worry about ingradients because all the pancakes ingradients is easily available in your kitchen .

How to make the best pancake :-
The best pancakes can be made by using correct ingradients and following the step by step process.

Main ingradients for making best pancake :-

Butter:- Butter is use for garnishing on top and enhence the taste and richness.
Flour:- This is the main ingradient in making any pancakes .
Milk:- It enhence the taste of the pancakes .
Suger:- It makes the pancakes sweets and makes it moist.
Vanilla essence:- Vanilla essence is used for enhence the fragrance the pancakes .
Baking powder and Baking soda :-Baking powder and baking soda works as leavener agent makes the pancakes fluppy and flat.
Salt:- Salt is a optional ingradients but using a pinch of salt in any sweet dish it act as a tadka.
Making pancake from scratch:-

It is very easy dish and it can be made easily by using correct recipe, and here i will explain the best way for making :-
1:- seive all the dry ingradients well
2:- Add little by little dry ingradients in wet ingradients and mix it gently.
3:- Put the batter on pan at exact temperature .
4:- Use non stick pan for making pancakes .
5:- Cook upto 3 minutes each side , untill becomes golden.
When mixing the pancakes batter use two bowl seperetly one for dry ingradients and second for wet ingradients . And when mixing two mixture and the mixture is wet and dry then mix it gently dont overmix the batter , if you will overmix the batter, the the pancake will be flat and fluppy but not crunchy , same thing is happening when we making sponge or muffines .
When flip the pancake while cooking:-

mostly pancakes cooked in 5-6 minutes but when we put batter in pan then we should coook one side first untill edges becomes golden and and bubbles start at the surface of pancakes .
if you are profesional in it then ok but if you not then you should use best non stick pan for cook the best pancakes.
pancakes varients:-
With this one recipe we can make many varities of pancakes , because recipe is same only flavour will be change . these are the some best pancakes varients ………
blueberry pankes
butter pancakes
fruit pancakes
chocolate pancakes
Can we make pancake without eggs :-
Yes , sure we can use baking powder and baking soda in place of eggs . eggs work as a rising agent and same thing baking powder and soda are doing .

Flour :- 180 gm
Sugar:- 20 gm
Milk:-270 gm
vinegar:- 10 ml
Butter:- 40 gm
Vanilla essence :- 1 tsp
Baking powder :- 5 gm
Baking soda :- 5 gm
Salt :- little pinch
Process of making :-

1:- First take two bowl one for wet ingradients and second for dry ingradients .

2:- In a bowl take whole milk at room temperature then add vinegar and mix gently for 1 minutes and keep it side for upto 10 minutes .

3:- Now add suger , melted butter and vanillla essence in it and mix well using wisk.

4:- Now in 2 nd bowl take seive flour, baking powder , baking soda and salt and mix well.

5:- Now Put the wet ingradients into dry ingradients and mix gently and dont over mix the batter , dont worry if there is a small lumps.

6:- Keep the pancakes for 10 minutes rest.

7:- Now take a non stick pan and grease the pan with butter and pour The batter in it.

8:- Now first cook the pancakes from one side untill becomes golden and crispy then flip it .

9:- Now makes 4-6 pancakes for one pancacakes .

10:-Now pour the maple syrup or you can use honey.
11:- Serve it hot……..

Yes we can keep the pan cake batter in refrigrator for next days , but need to keep in refrigator in air tight container.

Yes we can refrigate pancakes for upto 1 month , but need to follow the way of refrigating keep butter paper between pancakes and so they dont stick to one another .

Simply for this use microwave for 15 to 20 seconds or wrap the pancakes with silver foil and put it in oven 350 F for 10 minutes for best result.

I am using honey and fruits for toppping the pancakes .

pancake / Calories 184 / Protein 4.5g / Carbohydrate 23.8g / Dietary Fiber 0.7g / Total Sugars 5.2g / Total Fat 7.8g / Saturated Fat 4.5g / Cholesterol 42.3mg / Sodium 173.5mg

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