About Pine apple Up side down cake :-
Pine apple Up side down cake is the new trending cake in bakeries and trending reels on social media , this is the best cake with juicy pine apple slice and pineapple caramal juice . This cake is also makes likes other cakes but in this cake we spread pine apple slices under cake batter.

I remember , i was making this cake when i was working for a cafe , there people like warm upside down pineapple cake , the freshly baked upside down pineapple cake cake was amazing with brown caramal syrup. This moist cake topped with brown sugar and round pine apple slice and cheery is perfection .

This is my best recipe, i am using this recipe from many years and it is a one of the best recipe for up side down pine apple cake . This is my favourite cake i like to eat this when it comes out warm from oven .
Storage and Packing of upside down pine apple cake :-

This is my best Up side Down Pine Apple cake recipe, and if you are making this cake with correct way and correct recipe it can be stored for 3 three days in normal room temperature and can be stored upto 3 months in refrigator .
Timing and baking temperature :-
Preparation time :- 20 minutes
Cooking time:- 25 minutes
Cooking temperature:- 175 degree celcius
Total time :- 50 minutes
Upside-Down Pine Apple Cake Ingredients:-
Pine Apple slice :- Main ingradient in upside down pine apple cake.
Cheery:- Cherry makes this dish attractive and delicious…
Brown sugar:-
Pine Apple juice:-
Flour:– We are using all purpose flour or all purpose cake flour ,and for gluten free cake you can take gluten free flour .
Sugar:- Sugar makes the dishes sweet and keep the cake moistest, i am using regular white sugar but if you want you can use brown sugar also . sugar makes cakes moist and tasty.
Egg:- Egg create the texture in any baking dishes , in comparison of eggless cake , the egg cakes feels more tasty and amazing .
Pine apple slice:- 1 whole
Melted Butter :- 50 ml
Pine apple juice :- 40 ml
Brown sugar:- 100 gm
Flour:- 500 gm
Buttter:- 500 gm
Sugar:- 500 gm
Eggs:- 12 nos
Vanilla essence:- few drops
Baking soda:- 30 gm
Process of making :-
1:- Take a cake mould , and mix brown suger and pine apple juice and spread this mixture in mould.
2:- Now take fresh and full ripe pine apple slice or whole pine apple and cut it into slices, and cut with small cutter in pine apple slice and remove .
3:- Now spread the pine apple slices in mould and put cheery in center of pine apple slices .
4:- Now for making batter take butter and suger at room temperature and put it in plenetery mixer and mix at normal speed untill suger dissolves in butter .
5:-When sugar dissolves then add egg one by one and keep mixing .
6:- When egg mixed now add flour and baking soda and pine apple juice and keep mixing at medium speed and clean the side of bowl with scraper and mix at high speed for one minutes .
7:- Now pour the batter in mould .
8:- Bake this up side down pine apple cake in preheated oven at 170 degree celcius for 25- 30 minutes .
9:- Now cool it, and keep the plate of it and turn upside down , and remove cake mould ,
10:- Cut in slices and serve this caramalized upside down pine apple cake cool or warm…
Why is pineapple cake upside down?
because we makes like this , after baking this cake we flip this cake upside down for amazing caramalized pine apple texture
Can we store pine apple upside down cake in refrigator ?
Yes we can keep it in refrigator for upto 3 months , or 3 days without refrigator .
Why is my pineapple upside-down cake soggy?
Dont use more juicy pine apple
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